I always think of children (especially babies!) learning from us, or it's surroundings. But it is interesting how much we can actually learn from them. Anaiah is learning to crawl( all 5 months of her!). Day after day she gets up on all fours and rocks and collapses on her tummy, sometimes she has a bit of a grizzle but she always gets on up and tries again. I learned this saying from this CD I was listening to ( I can't remember the guys name, Glen someone) and I have passed it on to our other kids, and I love it when I hear them say "PICK YOURSELF UP, DUST YOURSELF OFF, AND TRY AGAIN".
Anaiah knows nothing about fear or failing.So she will be crawling in no time because she hasn't got anything holding her back.
If only we could leave our fear of failing behind us, we too would achieve want we would like to as well. Sometimes we don't even consciously know that it is that fear that is holding us back.Where does that fear come from anyway? Is it something that gently creeps in after years and years of subtle (or not so) setbacks until eventually we stop ourselves from even giving stuff a go?
It has inspired me to get over my fear of writing blogs. I don't even know what I am fearful of! Isn't that silly? Fear of rejection rejection and failing? rejection of what though and what can I fail?
So I am going to get over my silliness and write more often.
Sometimes it is time as well though.Today I am having a home day, my girls are so tired. Alice my big 4 year old, wanted me to lie with her while she went to sleep. I kept putting her off, for about an hour! while I "Just did this job and JUST did that job"In the end I did go and lie down with her. I got sick of her getting up! But I thought WOW actually this is so special lying here with my beautiful baby. She is 4 already and time goes by so fast. There will always be ironing to do and washing to put away.....but there wont always be a precious 4 year old to cuddle up to and comfort to sleep.
Precious times. Always learning.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Friday, 2 March 2012
Everyone need a Sarah
Everyone needs a Sarah
Well It is almost midnight. Dean is home tomorrow after being away a month.. that is ALL of Mollys life! That is ALSO aLOT of unbroken sleep... I hope he is ready to come home cause it aint no holiday!
I am ticking off my To Do list.... house clean and tidy... well it is at the moment, the kids are asleep!
Sheets clean and on the bed... check
Food in the cupboard... Yes.. only JUST!
My poor children would suffer terribly if it wasn't for a number of AMAZING people I have around me propping me up, and if any one of them went away I would flat on my face I am SURE of that. Take today for example... I went to Make Matties lunch this morning ( which, I always make at night usually) and realised Oh hang on, No bread. OK No worries well Rice crackers are good, Oh hang ON.. no butter, or peanut butter, OR Jam OR marmite OR honey OR anything else to put on them for that matter!.. Or nothing else in the fridge suitable for school lunch.OK. OH Dear what shall I do? As I was pushing him out the door, I was thinking, Well maybe he didn't eat all his Lunch from yesterday... that way atleast he'll have something in his lunchbox to eat!
Well the wheels were falling off all around me this morning. That baby was all unsettled I couldn't put her down...It was JUST one of those mornings that I couldn't even be late for school as they had swimming first thing, and they had to catch a bus that went as the bell rang... AHHH So I left the washing in the machine, spilt milo on the table the floor unswept...... I was thinking of my friend Kim who has 5 kids and wondering what Her life must be like getting her kids out the door in the morning! Well Funnily enough after I got Matty to school in the nick of time, I screamed over to drop off Alice at play school, and I saw Kim! I asked her how she manages and it was a relief to hear that she just scraped out of the house by the skin of her teeth as well.
I was telling my friend Sarah about this morning and she went home and made Mattie some yummy lunch ( way better than what I would have given him!) AND took it to school and snuck in into his lunch box. This is the same Sarah that makes sure I have got everything up to date, and in order, and who worried when I missed the deadline for enrolling Alice to kindy. When I told her I eventually got a place in kindy she was all relieved! Classic not even I was worried!
Everyone needs a Sarah in their life someone that has got your back. It just so happens that I have 2 VERY amazing Sarah's in my life an boy do I feel lucky!
Posted by A late lunch in Lanzie Land at 06:09
This is my response to those over zealous woman who seem to be so perfect and "have climbed mount Everest, done a 10 km run spring cleaned the house and got muffins in the oven.. all by 10 am! I really react to those face book posts.. in my own head usually.
Up all night with a 3 month old baby who seems to have developed a dislike for night sleeping. Am currently blaming teething or sore stomach, either way it is very inconvenient interruption to my sleep!
Look at the clock It is 5.10am I have boot camp at 5.30, Should I try and get there or go to later session? . Choose feed baby back to sleep for the 10th time tonight or if that doesn't work. gripe water...... Gripe water it is. Oooops I think she inhaled it. I should have used a spoon or some other delicate dispenser like a syringe.. not sure that making her drink it from the bottle was such a good idea, as she coughs, Well atleast it is a break from the crying!Sweet all good with in a minute she is settled and back to sleep ! Ahhhh.
6.30 un stack dishwasher put washing on.
7am get breakfast, feed baby AGAIN lets try and get some routine back here!
Do dishes sweep floor, give kids the hurry up 8 am out the door to school.Dean is home and will take Mat to school, (Yay for Dad!) ofcourse the girls have to go as well! Have to leave 15 minutes early as we have decided to ride bikes! HOORAY!!! Hang washing out, just as I finish, it pours with rain FANTASTIC. It hasn't rained in months and today of all days I have 2 loads! Deal with baby. Do some house work.
Get girls in the car and off to the 9.30 boot camp session. Kids demand "shark Attack"on by split Enz. They try and sing the words, pulling their thumb out of their mouths to shout/sing "Shark attack" every time it comes on. Am a bit concerned that my singing had made them also, tone deaf!
Do boot camp, pray to Jesus that he come and take me, as I swing that kettle bell, slip on my own sweat doing push ups, and come far too close to vomiting, on the suicides carrying a medicine ball! Deal with crying baby in the midst this.
Home. Feed kids and into bed for them. Do ironing. Kids want Pizza for dinner. Should make base it but can't be bothered, put it on shopping list as Dean goes to the shops.
Have home made icecream for desert. Make up some washing power as mine is running low. Make pikelets for after school snack.
Oh~... and its only 3 pm.....
Up all night with a 3 month old baby who seems to have developed a dislike for night sleeping. Am currently blaming teething or sore stomach, either way it is very inconvenient interruption to my sleep!
Look at the clock It is 5.10am I have boot camp at 5.30, Should I try and get there or go to later session? . Choose feed baby back to sleep for the 10th time tonight or if that doesn't work. gripe water...... Gripe water it is. Oooops I think she inhaled it. I should have used a spoon or some other delicate dispenser like a syringe.. not sure that making her drink it from the bottle was such a good idea, as she coughs, Well atleast it is a break from the crying!Sweet all good with in a minute she is settled and back to sleep ! Ahhhh.
6.30 un stack dishwasher put washing on.
7am get breakfast, feed baby AGAIN lets try and get some routine back here!
Do dishes sweep floor, give kids the hurry up 8 am out the door to school.Dean is home and will take Mat to school, (Yay for Dad!) ofcourse the girls have to go as well! Have to leave 15 minutes early as we have decided to ride bikes! HOORAY!!! Hang washing out, just as I finish, it pours with rain FANTASTIC. It hasn't rained in months and today of all days I have 2 loads! Deal with baby. Do some house work.
Get girls in the car and off to the 9.30 boot camp session. Kids demand "shark Attack"on by split Enz. They try and sing the words, pulling their thumb out of their mouths to shout/sing "Shark attack" every time it comes on. Am a bit concerned that my singing had made them also, tone deaf!
Do boot camp, pray to Jesus that he come and take me, as I swing that kettle bell, slip on my own sweat doing push ups, and come far too close to vomiting, on the suicides carrying a medicine ball! Deal with crying baby in the midst this.
Home. Feed kids and into bed for them. Do ironing. Kids want Pizza for dinner. Should make base it but can't be bothered, put it on shopping list as Dean goes to the shops.
Have home made icecream for desert. Make up some washing power as mine is running low. Make pikelets for after school snack.
Oh~... and its only 3 pm.....
Cross fit
Well we are a few more weeks into our training. We have been rowing sprinting,swinging kettle bells, experiencing near death by burpies, sit ups, push ups and all other forms of exercise's previously thought of as torture!
Today Dean (my husband) and I did it together which was cool. 500m on the rower, a 200m sprint and then 40 step ups. We did it 3 times, and each time had to beat our previous time. It doesn't sound like much, but my whole body had pins and needles my lungs wanted to burst and I could hardly even see straight and I just wanted to fall over when I finished.
My lungs are still burning 4 hours post workout!
The thing is with this Cross fit is that it is not flashy it is everyday people just getting fit in their shorts and te-shirts, using everyday equipment to do so. It seems a whole lot more down to earth and friendly than the gym. It is addictive though.
I am really struggling with my eating. I am all over the place with it and am finding it hard to get in the groove and get consistently good eating patterns going on. We went to Denmark for the weekend and I got in FULL on holiday mode, consequently am SOO no looking forward to weighing in this afternoon. Every week we tell ourselves it's not about the scales.... but every week when we get on.. it is ALL about the scales! I am looking forward to a cuppa tea and a catch up with the girls though.
PS Well it wasn't bad at all! But we have all agreed that we have to write down every thing that goes into our mouths. BORING! The truth is that I struggle to be that diciplined. eekk!
The Smokin' hot Mamma's
The Smokin' Hot Mumma's
We ARE the 'Smokin Hot Mama's'.
Over a cup of tea Sarah and I decided to get fit ( as we chomped on that LAST piece of cake!) SO we hired Issac to be our trainer, recruited a few more hot chicks to join us. They are Gemma, also an AMAZING and inspirational Mum of 4, Chrissy, Mum of 'baby' Issac and a home baker, Sarah, Mum of 2 and a now ex wino, Me Mum of 4 and a baker and picker! Lynda, Issac's Mum who is INCREDIBLE and SUCH an inspiration the way she charges on and is doing SOO well. Has been studying for 3 years.
So in the first week. Sarah and I both put on 2 kilos! Great start! then... it was christmas... and new year...
But we are serious NOW this is the real thing. It is a year long mission. I alone could drop 20kg ( which is super embarassing to have to admit, But we are all so focused on this. Issac is killing us at these cross fit sessions. We Love him and we hate him! ( mostly love him though!!)
I thought I was going to die yeaterday as I carried a tyre round my neck and ran 400m in a circut! Andrea my sister was with me as we encouraged each other to finish. but I could have just happily have gone to be with the Lord at that moment! Andrea has gone home back to NZ now and we all miss you ANDREA!!
So watch this space.
Over a cup of tea Sarah and I decided to get fit ( as we chomped on that LAST piece of cake!) SO we hired Issac to be our trainer, recruited a few more hot chicks to join us. They are Gemma, also an AMAZING and inspirational Mum of 4, Chrissy, Mum of 'baby' Issac and a home baker, Sarah, Mum of 2 and a now ex wino, Me Mum of 4 and a baker and picker! Lynda, Issac's Mum who is INCREDIBLE and SUCH an inspiration the way she charges on and is doing SOO well. Has been studying for 3 years.
So in the first week. Sarah and I both put on 2 kilos! Great start! then... it was christmas... and new year...
But we are serious NOW this is the real thing. It is a year long mission. I alone could drop 20kg ( which is super embarassing to have to admit, But we are all so focused on this. Issac is killing us at these cross fit sessions. We Love him and we hate him! ( mostly love him though!!)
I thought I was going to die yeaterday as I carried a tyre round my neck and ran 400m in a circut! Andrea my sister was with me as we encouraged each other to finish. but I could have just happily have gone to be with the Lord at that moment! Andrea has gone home back to NZ now and we all miss you ANDREA!!
So watch this space.
Posted by A late lunch in Lanzie Land at 22:36
Dear Anaiah
Dear Anaiah
Actually Molly honey that’s you – sorry to confuse at such an early stage of your life – but you as you know me more you will get use to this!
Yes, I have changed your name. I am guessing that since you never really knew your name, that this is not going to be a big deal and you won’t suffer an identify crisis. My gorgeous friend Lauren changed her baby’s name when she was 2 and she’s fine, in fact she loves here new name, Daisey!
Molly is a gorgeous name and I DO Love it, but to be honest it just wasn't fitting the picture and the name Anaiah just fits way better. I had been secretly thinking this for a while when Sarah and I were having a cuppa tea at Jodie's, we got on to the topic of your name, and they both agreed that Anaiah was a better fit for you. So I immediately went home, got the forms and applied for a new birth certificate for you. We changed it to Anaiah Molly, (I can hear your father yelling.. "none of this WE business, I had nothing to do with it!" – but He just says that for effect - He loves it too). Now, you have to admit, it is the most beautiful name, and it means "God answers", which is perfectly fitting to you. On the day that you were born, He answered the most amazing prayers- 2 years worth of prayers in fact! None the least is the arrival of you, our healthy gorgeous baby girl, Princess Anaiah a living testament to the fact that God does indeed answer. Our lives changed that day in the most incredible way. The breakthroughs just keep coming and will continue to do so.
Dear Molly
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Dear Molly
Dear Molly,
I can not believe that you are already 3 weeks old today. The saying that "time flys" has got to be the truest saying ever said.
This is how things are for you. well the day you were born was a great day and a great date because I was asking god for you to be born on a datye that I would remember because when I am filling out all your boarding passes franticall I hate having to stop and think about birth dates. I just makes me feel like a bad Mum. So Your due date was the 5.10.11 which would have been a great date as you would have shared it with your big brothers best mate Tom Hannon in Raglan. But NO one in the whole wide world thought you were going to hang in there that long as you were showing signs of coming for about a month before your due date and in the end we all just gave up guessing. You were teasing us!! I thought the 1.10.11 would have been a good day but .. NO, you OBVIOUSLY didn't. then the next good date was the 5th then It was the 9.10.11, that came and went fairly uneventfully even though I was TRYING SO HARD I even walked around Royal perth show for hours.. and still no action! What were you doing in there that was so important for goodness sake!!? Then the 10.10.11 (which was my Nana Fultons birthday) or the last good date it could have been was the 11.10.11 and YAh thankfully you thought that was a good day too! SO about 4 am you started to let us know that today was the day. 4 am is very early Molly, you could have waited a couple of hours more before you woke me up! I am infact still trying to make up that lost sleep! But seem to be slipping further and further away, into sleep deprivation rather than sleep banking!
SO you arrived... just in time for lunch ( nice one!) at 1239 in the pool. We had a water birth which was as good as it gets for a birth. You were a god healthy size weighing in at 9lb5 or 4kgs (more or less) and 56cm ( lets hope you've got your dads height.)
Your Dad cut the cord and you were FREE! . Your Nanny and Poppy were up in a shot with Your brother Mathieson, your sister Alice ( who I think you look like) and your other sister Jaimie. Who were all sooo excited to se you and had already named you Molly.
I tried to call you all sorts of other things like Lola I REALLY love that name. Anaiah I love too and I did manage to squeeze that in for your middle name. that took a while though because I had to ask a friend of mine if she didn't mind if I used it because she has a daughter called Anaiah and it hold special meaning for her.. AS it also does for us. It means "God Answers".
Now, When dad took your brother and sisters home, they called into McDonalds for dinner and he got a call from this company who Dad has been wanting to get work from for a YEAR or more. SO they called up and said come Friday! ( you were born on a Tuesday) SO that was so exciting! So you and I were in hospital 2 nights and you screamed the WHOLE time you were STARVING I thought I was going to have a mental break down! I thought there was something wrong wit you but you were just hungry.. I understand that! But through all that, it is amazing how much love I still felt for you and I still thought you were the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes upon.You are just perfect.
We came home from the hospital on Thursday afternoon and by Friday morning 5.30 He was gone.. for a month! and he is till away. He should be back in about 12 days or so. he is missing you so much, although I think secretly he is enjoying a months worth of unbroken sleep!
You are lucky to have such a great Dad who loves you so much and will take such great care of you growing up, you will have so much fun with him. He couldn't stop looking at you when you were born. Every time he calls up from the boat he is living on, the first thing he always asks is "how is Molly?" You are going to be so big by the time he sees you again.
Your Nanny and Poppy were here for the 1st 2 weeks of your life doting on you loving you and not being able to get enough of you. They were so sad to have to leave you and MAt, ALi and Jaimie as well, and me.
The first day after we got home, we went to a womans conference which was GREAT! That was friday night and saturday. then I think we were out every day that week. You went to toddler jam Then i got mastitis and was quite sick. Thankfully Nany was there to look after us! Mattie had tonsilitis as well.Then the day after nany and Poppy went home I got tonsilitis and fevers and sick allover again so I have a diet of Amoxyl ( I am taking probiotics as well though to be kind to you!) difflam and panadol for the fevers! I am still recovering! Atleast the razor blades in my throat are blunt now!!
You are a great eater and sleeper. You are proving to be a great baby. Not to mention super cute ( although you were attacked my mozzys the other night which isn't such a great look but the bites are going way now)
I could just eat you up! MAt Ali and James just want to hold you all the time. Jaimie holds you for a second and then she would just drop you. SO It is very important that I am also holding you!! You LOVE being held and you are very easy to calm down if you get upset. I just love you so much. You are such a welcome and important member of our family and I just can't wait to get to know you more and more. But you are my baby so don't grow up too fast!
I love you and so does your Dad and Mat and Ali and James from your mama xx
I can not believe that you are already 3 weeks old today. The saying that "time flys" has got to be the truest saying ever said.
This is how things are for you. well the day you were born was a great day and a great date because I was asking god for you to be born on a datye that I would remember because when I am filling out all your boarding passes franticall I hate having to stop and think about birth dates. I just makes me feel like a bad Mum. So Your due date was the 5.10.11 which would have been a great date as you would have shared it with your big brothers best mate Tom Hannon in Raglan. But NO one in the whole wide world thought you were going to hang in there that long as you were showing signs of coming for about a month before your due date and in the end we all just gave up guessing. You were teasing us!! I thought the 1.10.11 would have been a good day but .. NO, you OBVIOUSLY didn't. then the next good date was the 5th then It was the 9.10.11, that came and went fairly uneventfully even though I was TRYING SO HARD I even walked around Royal perth show for hours.. and still no action! What were you doing in there that was so important for goodness sake!!? Then the 10.10.11 (which was my Nana Fultons birthday) or the last good date it could have been was the 11.10.11 and YAh thankfully you thought that was a good day too! SO about 4 am you started to let us know that today was the day. 4 am is very early Molly, you could have waited a couple of hours more before you woke me up! I am infact still trying to make up that lost sleep! But seem to be slipping further and further away, into sleep deprivation rather than sleep banking!
SO you arrived... just in time for lunch ( nice one!) at 1239 in the pool. We had a water birth which was as good as it gets for a birth. You were a god healthy size weighing in at 9lb5 or 4kgs (more or less) and 56cm ( lets hope you've got your dads height.)
Your Dad cut the cord and you were FREE! . Your Nanny and Poppy were up in a shot with Your brother Mathieson, your sister Alice ( who I think you look like) and your other sister Jaimie. Who were all sooo excited to se you and had already named you Molly.
I tried to call you all sorts of other things like Lola I REALLY love that name. Anaiah I love too and I did manage to squeeze that in for your middle name. that took a while though because I had to ask a friend of mine if she didn't mind if I used it because she has a daughter called Anaiah and it hold special meaning for her.. AS it also does for us. It means "God Answers".
Now, When dad took your brother and sisters home, they called into McDonalds for dinner and he got a call from this company who Dad has been wanting to get work from for a YEAR or more. SO they called up and said come Friday! ( you were born on a Tuesday) SO that was so exciting! So you and I were in hospital 2 nights and you screamed the WHOLE time you were STARVING I thought I was going to have a mental break down! I thought there was something wrong wit you but you were just hungry.. I understand that! But through all that, it is amazing how much love I still felt for you and I still thought you were the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes upon.You are just perfect.
We came home from the hospital on Thursday afternoon and by Friday morning 5.30 He was gone.. for a month! and he is till away. He should be back in about 12 days or so. he is missing you so much, although I think secretly he is enjoying a months worth of unbroken sleep!
You are lucky to have such a great Dad who loves you so much and will take such great care of you growing up, you will have so much fun with him. He couldn't stop looking at you when you were born. Every time he calls up from the boat he is living on, the first thing he always asks is "how is Molly?" You are going to be so big by the time he sees you again.
Your Nanny and Poppy were here for the 1st 2 weeks of your life doting on you loving you and not being able to get enough of you. They were so sad to have to leave you and MAt, ALi and Jaimie as well, and me.
The first day after we got home, we went to a womans conference which was GREAT! That was friday night and saturday. then I think we were out every day that week. You went to toddler jam Then i got mastitis and was quite sick. Thankfully Nany was there to look after us! Mattie had tonsilitis as well.Then the day after nany and Poppy went home I got tonsilitis and fevers and sick allover again so I have a diet of Amoxyl ( I am taking probiotics as well though to be kind to you!) difflam and panadol for the fevers! I am still recovering! Atleast the razor blades in my throat are blunt now!!
You are a great eater and sleeper. You are proving to be a great baby. Not to mention super cute ( although you were attacked my mozzys the other night which isn't such a great look but the bites are going way now)
I could just eat you up! MAt Ali and James just want to hold you all the time. Jaimie holds you for a second and then she would just drop you. SO It is very important that I am also holding you!! You LOVE being held and you are very easy to calm down if you get upset. I just love you so much. You are such a welcome and important member of our family and I just can't wait to get to know you more and more. But you are my baby so don't grow up too fast!
I love you and so does your Dad and Mat and Ali and James from your mama xx
Posted by A late lunch in Lanzie Land at 05:45
We made it!!
Well here I am on the otherside of child birth, and all can say is "Thank goodness that is over and I never have to do it again." I am definitely not one of those mother earth types that thinks birthing is a beautiful thing. I can think of tonnes of adjectives to describe giving birth but beautiful would definitely NOT be one!
I did have a water birth which was a good option. I was whaling around in the bath secretly cursing and blaming all this pain on Eve. If she had not eaten that apple I would be having none of this knife stabbing pain. "its all her fault!!!" I think Dean was thinking he was pretty lucky to be escaping any abuse and was happy to load it all up on poor old Eve!
The whole ordeal I will call it went for 8 hours from the first contraction to the birth.Unfortunalty we are a bit ripped off in this area because they actually only count " labour" from when it is " established" Which effectively is when the contractions are on top of each other and you just want to die! Which for me, would count as 4 hours. I mean to say.. its' not like the first 4 hours weren't bad enough. I spent them bent over in the shower wanting to vomit the pain was so bad.. but OH NO we don';t count that!!!, That's not what you'd call exactly fun is it? So that;s why I think it must have been a man who made up these rules because if it was a Man GIVING birth they would be counted from the onset to get the full impact. I mean come ON look at how they behave when they have touch of a cold, you would think they were on their death bed.Or when they catch a fish.. we get EVERY minute detail about how BIG it was SO imagine them in child birth, they would DEFINITELY be documenting labour from the first contraction! Now don't get me wrong I love men and I definitively am not a feminist but I do have to think that they made up these " it doesn't count unless its established labour' rules. But if they were made up by woman ... we are not very kind to ourselves are we?!
I mean crikey if the birth alone is not bad enough then we have to have after pains! What is all that about! It's not like we are going to forget in a hurry the trauma we've just been through. But I guess just incase we do manage to block it from our memory we are forced, through the after pains to remember it for a week or more afterwards. Did Eve eat the apple AND the core or something!
SO I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl which was a shock in itself because I would have put a BET on down at the TAB on it being a boy as it was EXACTLY the same pregnancy as with Mattie and so different to the other 2 girls. Anyway good thing I am a procrastinator and never made that bet, because I would have lost all my money! She was the size of a good boy. at 9lb5 56 cm and born at 1239 to be exact on the 11.10.11. Fully stoked on that easy to remember date! Thankyou GOD! Her name is Molly Anaiah.
SO Alice wanted to know if I was having another baby because I still had my big tummy! Hmm well thanks alot Alice. That unfortunately is another RIP off about having a baby. ONE would expect to be able to walk out of hospital in a pair of non preggy jeans? Right? well some can, but for most of us... but NO NO NO Not a chance.. infact those preggy clothes will be the only things that will fit for about the next 2, ok, lets be real here we'll make that 5 years, while I get round to doing something about getting rid of that spare tyre the baby has gifted me! Well as it turns out Alice the 4 yr old wasn't the only one who was confused. On my first public outting, there were quite a few who commented on the fact that I" STILL hadn't had that baby"!! Does wonders for one's self image!
Anyway she is proving to be a good baby which is good as we are 13 days in to it. I don't know where the time has gone!
Alice suggested that I would have to cut off my boobies and give them to someone else to put on so they can feed the baby while I am.... I'm not sure what she thought I would be doing, but it obviously wasn't shopping of a new size 10 wardrobe that's for sure!!
Deano scored it. He got he call up to go away the day she was born. SO I got home from the hospital on Thursday afternoon (after 2 nights in) and by Friday 5.30 the next morning, he was GONE for a month! So he is thinking he is pretty lucky to have scored himself a months worth of full nights sleep. Feels like he has been gone for EVER but is only been a week! GROAN!
Oh well atleast we won the Rugby world cup! That would have been almost worse than child birth if we had lost that AGAIN!
Glad to be on the otherside of the baby and the world cup. BIG sighs of relief on both counts. All is looking pretty good from here on in!
Lots of love from Lanzie land x
I did have a water birth which was a good option. I was whaling around in the bath secretly cursing and blaming all this pain on Eve. If she had not eaten that apple I would be having none of this knife stabbing pain. "its all her fault!!!" I think Dean was thinking he was pretty lucky to be escaping any abuse and was happy to load it all up on poor old Eve!
The whole ordeal I will call it went for 8 hours from the first contraction to the birth.Unfortunalty we are a bit ripped off in this area because they actually only count " labour" from when it is " established" Which effectively is when the contractions are on top of each other and you just want to die! Which for me, would count as 4 hours. I mean to say.. its' not like the first 4 hours weren't bad enough. I spent them bent over in the shower wanting to vomit the pain was so bad.. but OH NO we don';t count that!!!, That's not what you'd call exactly fun is it? So that;s why I think it must have been a man who made up these rules because if it was a Man GIVING birth they would be counted from the onset to get the full impact. I mean come ON look at how they behave when they have touch of a cold, you would think they were on their death bed.Or when they catch a fish.. we get EVERY minute detail about how BIG it was SO imagine them in child birth, they would DEFINITELY be documenting labour from the first contraction! Now don't get me wrong I love men and I definitively am not a feminist but I do have to think that they made up these " it doesn't count unless its established labour' rules. But if they were made up by woman ... we are not very kind to ourselves are we?!
I mean crikey if the birth alone is not bad enough then we have to have after pains! What is all that about! It's not like we are going to forget in a hurry the trauma we've just been through. But I guess just incase we do manage to block it from our memory we are forced, through the after pains to remember it for a week or more afterwards. Did Eve eat the apple AND the core or something!
SO I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl which was a shock in itself because I would have put a BET on down at the TAB on it being a boy as it was EXACTLY the same pregnancy as with Mattie and so different to the other 2 girls. Anyway good thing I am a procrastinator and never made that bet, because I would have lost all my money! She was the size of a good boy. at 9lb5 56 cm and born at 1239 to be exact on the 11.10.11. Fully stoked on that easy to remember date! Thankyou GOD! Her name is Molly Anaiah.
SO Alice wanted to know if I was having another baby because I still had my big tummy! Hmm well thanks alot Alice. That unfortunately is another RIP off about having a baby. ONE would expect to be able to walk out of hospital in a pair of non preggy jeans? Right? well some can, but for most of us... but NO NO NO Not a chance.. infact those preggy clothes will be the only things that will fit for about the next 2, ok, lets be real here we'll make that 5 years, while I get round to doing something about getting rid of that spare tyre the baby has gifted me! Well as it turns out Alice the 4 yr old wasn't the only one who was confused. On my first public outting, there were quite a few who commented on the fact that I" STILL hadn't had that baby"!! Does wonders for one's self image!
Anyway she is proving to be a good baby which is good as we are 13 days in to it. I don't know where the time has gone!
Alice suggested that I would have to cut off my boobies and give them to someone else to put on so they can feed the baby while I am.... I'm not sure what she thought I would be doing, but it obviously wasn't shopping of a new size 10 wardrobe that's for sure!!
Deano scored it. He got he call up to go away the day she was born. SO I got home from the hospital on Thursday afternoon (after 2 nights in) and by Friday 5.30 the next morning, he was GONE for a month! So he is thinking he is pretty lucky to have scored himself a months worth of full nights sleep. Feels like he has been gone for EVER but is only been a week! GROAN!
Oh well atleast we won the Rugby world cup! That would have been almost worse than child birth if we had lost that AGAIN!
Glad to be on the otherside of the baby and the world cup. BIG sighs of relief on both counts. All is looking pretty good from here on in!
Lots of love from Lanzie land x
Posted by A late lunch in Lanzie Land at 07:37
3 days over due
I was packing my bags for the hospital yesterday and feeling really good about being so organised, patting myself on the back and generally feeling like a legend when Mum reminded me that ..I was infact 3 days over due! Nothing like a bite of reality to keep ones feet on the ground!
I think this baby is enjoying the benefits of my self indulgent attitude while pregnant. It is LOVING the caramel slice that Mum has got me addicted to, and all the other foods that I would normally deprived myself of like the potato chips that keep automatically keep finding their way onto my mouth with out me even noticing? So why would you want to come out if you had that to eat all the time? Because I have all the best intentions to start eating responsibly once the baby is here!( as I always do, but the reality is that I don't usually get round to doing anything about it until about 10 months!) So actually it suits me for this baby to hang out as long as it wants, giving me the licence to indulge myself till my hearts content as I only seem to notice the piled on kgs once the baby is out! Mean while I will continue to lap up all the compliments flying my way about how great I am looking.It's the time in my life, 7-9 months pregnant, that people will stop and tell me how great I look. SO for about 2-3 months 4 times in my life I look great! SO I love being pregnant!! I wonder if I could push the boundary with the husband and get ONE more child!!!!! Just 1 more?
The rugby world cup is on at the moment and Wales have just beaten Ireland in the quarter final. Ireland were the favourites, So an exciting game. But I have strict instructions for the baby not to be born until atleast tomorrow after the All blacks have played Argentina. So I am guess this baby will grace us with its presence for atleast the semi finals of the rugby world cup!
I think this baby is enjoying the benefits of my self indulgent attitude while pregnant. It is LOVING the caramel slice that Mum has got me addicted to, and all the other foods that I would normally deprived myself of like the potato chips that keep automatically keep finding their way onto my mouth with out me even noticing? So why would you want to come out if you had that to eat all the time? Because I have all the best intentions to start eating responsibly once the baby is here!( as I always do, but the reality is that I don't usually get round to doing anything about it until about 10 months!) So actually it suits me for this baby to hang out as long as it wants, giving me the licence to indulge myself till my hearts content as I only seem to notice the piled on kgs once the baby is out! Mean while I will continue to lap up all the compliments flying my way about how great I am looking.It's the time in my life, 7-9 months pregnant, that people will stop and tell me how great I look. SO for about 2-3 months 4 times in my life I look great! SO I love being pregnant!! I wonder if I could push the boundary with the husband and get ONE more child!!!!! Just 1 more?
The rugby world cup is on at the moment and Wales have just beaten Ireland in the quarter final. Ireland were the favourites, So an exciting game. But I have strict instructions for the baby not to be born until atleast tomorrow after the All blacks have played Argentina. So I am guess this baby will grace us with its presence for atleast the semi finals of the rugby world cup!
Posted by A late lunch in Lanzie Land at 23:55
Due Date
Due date
Here we are 4.15 am wide awake.. and not by the labour pains that are due to kick off today or even by the 4 yr old scratching her skin like an old sea dog, thanks to excema, but by a 2 yr old who has had a nightmare. I cuddle up next to her and she reminds me that I have a baby in my tummy, and asks "when it is going to come out?" I ask her if she thinks it will be today and she says "yes" and that "it will be a girl," and we will call it "girl" She is clearly extreamely creative and imaginitive !!
It is a special day today. It is my sons best mate back in NZ's b'day today he is 7. A bit bummed not to be there I thought that him and his buddies would all grow up together, but here we are, in an unexpected twist.. in WA we have been here for just over 1 year. So it would be nice to have this baby share this date with Tom Hannon in Raglan, home of the longest left hand surf break and lots of my amazing beautiful friends who I miss so much. On the other hand it would be good to have the date 9/10/11 or the 10/10/11 or even the 11/10/11, I am going for easy to remember dates as I hard enough time remembering the dates of the 3 kids I have already!
However at the moment Mattie ( the 6 yr old) has got the man flu and is vomiting with high fevers, and I have a skin specialist appt for Alice's (4 yr old) excema today so I'm a bit busy to have a baby today anyway!
We will see!
It is a special day today. It is my sons best mate back in NZ's b'day today he is 7. A bit bummed not to be there I thought that him and his buddies would all grow up together, but here we are, in an unexpected twist.. in WA we have been here for just over 1 year. So it would be nice to have this baby share this date with Tom Hannon in Raglan, home of the longest left hand surf break and lots of my amazing beautiful friends who I miss so much. On the other hand it would be good to have the date 9/10/11 or the 10/10/11 or even the 11/10/11, I am going for easy to remember dates as I hard enough time remembering the dates of the 3 kids I have already!
However at the moment Mattie ( the 6 yr old) has got the man flu and is vomiting with high fevers, and I have a skin specialist appt for Alice's (4 yr old) excema today so I'm a bit busy to have a baby today anyway!
We will see!
Posted by A late lunch in Lanzie Land at 02:23
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