Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Dear Molly
Dear Molly,
I can not believe that you are already 3 weeks old today. The saying that "time flys" has got to be the truest saying ever said.
This is how things are for you. well the day you were born was a great day and a great date because I was asking god for you to be born on a datye that I would remember because when I am filling out all your boarding passes franticall I hate having to stop and think about birth dates. I just makes me feel like a bad Mum. So Your due date was the 5.10.11 which would have been a great date as you would have shared it with your big brothers best mate Tom Hannon in Raglan. But NO one in the whole wide world thought you were going to hang in there that long as you were showing signs of coming for about a month before your due date and in the end we all just gave up guessing. You were teasing us!! I thought the 1.10.11 would have been a good day but .. NO, you OBVIOUSLY didn't. then the next good date was the 5th then It was the 9.10.11, that came and went fairly uneventfully even though I was TRYING SO HARD I even walked around Royal perth show for hours.. and still no action! What were you doing in there that was so important for goodness sake!!? Then the 10.10.11 (which was my Nana Fultons birthday) or the last good date it could have been was the 11.10.11 and YAh thankfully you thought that was a good day too! SO about 4 am you started to let us know that today was the day. 4 am is very early Molly, you could have waited a couple of hours more before you woke me up! I am infact still trying to make up that lost sleep! But seem to be slipping further and further away, into sleep deprivation rather than sleep banking!
SO you arrived... just in time for lunch ( nice one!) at 1239 in the pool. We had a water birth which was as good as it gets for a birth. You were a god healthy size weighing in at 9lb5 or 4kgs (more or less) and 56cm ( lets hope you've got your dads height.)
Your Dad cut the cord and you were FREE! . Your Nanny and Poppy were up in a shot with Your brother Mathieson, your sister Alice ( who I think you look like) and your other sister Jaimie. Who were all sooo excited to se you and had already named you Molly.
I tried to call you all sorts of other things like Lola I REALLY love that name. Anaiah I love too and I did manage to squeeze that in for your middle name. that took a while though because I had to ask a friend of mine if she didn't mind if I used it because she has a daughter called Anaiah and it hold special meaning for her.. AS it also does for us. It means "God Answers".
Now, When dad took your brother and sisters home, they called into McDonalds for dinner and he got a call from this company who Dad has been wanting to get work from for a YEAR or more. SO they called up and said come Friday! ( you were born on a Tuesday) SO that was so exciting! So you and I were in hospital 2 nights and you screamed the WHOLE time you were STARVING I thought I was going to have a mental break down! I thought there was something wrong wit you but you were just hungry.. I understand that! But through all that, it is amazing how much love I still felt for you and I still thought you were the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes upon.You are just perfect.
We came home from the hospital on Thursday afternoon and by Friday morning 5.30 He was gone.. for a month! and he is till away. He should be back in about 12 days or so. he is missing you so much, although I think secretly he is enjoying a months worth of unbroken sleep!
You are lucky to have such a great Dad who loves you so much and will take such great care of you growing up, you will have so much fun with him. He couldn't stop looking at you when you were born. Every time he calls up from the boat he is living on, the first thing he always asks is "how is Molly?" You are going to be so big by the time he sees you again.
Your Nanny and Poppy were here for the 1st 2 weeks of your life doting on you loving you and not being able to get enough of you. They were so sad to have to leave you and MAt, ALi and Jaimie as well, and me.
The first day after we got home, we went to a womans conference which was GREAT! That was friday night and saturday. then I think we were out every day that week. You went to toddler jam Then i got mastitis and was quite sick. Thankfully Nany was there to look after us! Mattie had tonsilitis as well.Then the day after nany and Poppy went home I got tonsilitis and fevers and sick allover again so I have a diet of Amoxyl ( I am taking probiotics as well though to be kind to you!) difflam and panadol for the fevers! I am still recovering! Atleast the razor blades in my throat are blunt now!!
You are a great eater and sleeper. You are proving to be a great baby. Not to mention super cute ( although you were attacked my mozzys the other night which isn't such a great look but the bites are going way now)
I could just eat you up! MAt Ali and James just want to hold you all the time. Jaimie holds you for a second and then she would just drop you. SO It is very important that I am also holding you!! You LOVE being held and you are very easy to calm down if you get upset. I just love you so much. You are such a welcome and important member of our family and I just can't wait to get to know you more and more. But you are my baby so don't grow up too fast!
I love you and so does your Dad and Mat and Ali and James from your mama xx
I can not believe that you are already 3 weeks old today. The saying that "time flys" has got to be the truest saying ever said.
This is how things are for you. well the day you were born was a great day and a great date because I was asking god for you to be born on a datye that I would remember because when I am filling out all your boarding passes franticall I hate having to stop and think about birth dates. I just makes me feel like a bad Mum. So Your due date was the 5.10.11 which would have been a great date as you would have shared it with your big brothers best mate Tom Hannon in Raglan. But NO one in the whole wide world thought you were going to hang in there that long as you were showing signs of coming for about a month before your due date and in the end we all just gave up guessing. You were teasing us!! I thought the 1.10.11 would have been a good day but .. NO, you OBVIOUSLY didn't. then the next good date was the 5th then It was the 9.10.11, that came and went fairly uneventfully even though I was TRYING SO HARD I even walked around Royal perth show for hours.. and still no action! What were you doing in there that was so important for goodness sake!!? Then the 10.10.11 (which was my Nana Fultons birthday) or the last good date it could have been was the 11.10.11 and YAh thankfully you thought that was a good day too! SO about 4 am you started to let us know that today was the day. 4 am is very early Molly, you could have waited a couple of hours more before you woke me up! I am infact still trying to make up that lost sleep! But seem to be slipping further and further away, into sleep deprivation rather than sleep banking!
SO you arrived... just in time for lunch ( nice one!) at 1239 in the pool. We had a water birth which was as good as it gets for a birth. You were a god healthy size weighing in at 9lb5 or 4kgs (more or less) and 56cm ( lets hope you've got your dads height.)
Your Dad cut the cord and you were FREE! . Your Nanny and Poppy were up in a shot with Your brother Mathieson, your sister Alice ( who I think you look like) and your other sister Jaimie. Who were all sooo excited to se you and had already named you Molly.
I tried to call you all sorts of other things like Lola I REALLY love that name. Anaiah I love too and I did manage to squeeze that in for your middle name. that took a while though because I had to ask a friend of mine if she didn't mind if I used it because she has a daughter called Anaiah and it hold special meaning for her.. AS it also does for us. It means "God Answers".
Now, When dad took your brother and sisters home, they called into McDonalds for dinner and he got a call from this company who Dad has been wanting to get work from for a YEAR or more. SO they called up and said come Friday! ( you were born on a Tuesday) SO that was so exciting! So you and I were in hospital 2 nights and you screamed the WHOLE time you were STARVING I thought I was going to have a mental break down! I thought there was something wrong wit you but you were just hungry.. I understand that! But through all that, it is amazing how much love I still felt for you and I still thought you were the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes upon.You are just perfect.
We came home from the hospital on Thursday afternoon and by Friday morning 5.30 He was gone.. for a month! and he is till away. He should be back in about 12 days or so. he is missing you so much, although I think secretly he is enjoying a months worth of unbroken sleep!
You are lucky to have such a great Dad who loves you so much and will take such great care of you growing up, you will have so much fun with him. He couldn't stop looking at you when you were born. Every time he calls up from the boat he is living on, the first thing he always asks is "how is Molly?" You are going to be so big by the time he sees you again.
Your Nanny and Poppy were here for the 1st 2 weeks of your life doting on you loving you and not being able to get enough of you. They were so sad to have to leave you and MAt, ALi and Jaimie as well, and me.
The first day after we got home, we went to a womans conference which was GREAT! That was friday night and saturday. then I think we were out every day that week. You went to toddler jam Then i got mastitis and was quite sick. Thankfully Nany was there to look after us! Mattie had tonsilitis as well.Then the day after nany and Poppy went home I got tonsilitis and fevers and sick allover again so I have a diet of Amoxyl ( I am taking probiotics as well though to be kind to you!) difflam and panadol for the fevers! I am still recovering! Atleast the razor blades in my throat are blunt now!!
You are a great eater and sleeper. You are proving to be a great baby. Not to mention super cute ( although you were attacked my mozzys the other night which isn't such a great look but the bites are going way now)
I could just eat you up! MAt Ali and James just want to hold you all the time. Jaimie holds you for a second and then she would just drop you. SO It is very important that I am also holding you!! You LOVE being held and you are very easy to calm down if you get upset. I just love you so much. You are such a welcome and important member of our family and I just can't wait to get to know you more and more. But you are my baby so don't grow up too fast!
I love you and so does your Dad and Mat and Ali and James from your mama xx
Posted by A late lunch in Lanzie Land at 05:45
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