Friday, 2 March 2012



This is my response to those over zealous woman who seem to be so perfect and "have climbed mount Everest, done a 10 km run spring cleaned the house and got muffins in the oven.. all by 10 am! I really react to those face book posts.. in my own head usually.

Up all night with a 3 month old baby who seems to have developed a dislike for night sleeping. Am currently blaming teething or sore stomach, either way it is very inconvenient interruption to my sleep!
Look at the clock It is 5.10am I have boot camp at 5.30, Should I try and get there or go to later session? . Choose feed baby back to sleep  for the 10th time tonight or if that doesn't work. gripe water...... Gripe water it is. Oooops I think she inhaled it. I should have used a spoon or some other delicate dispenser like a syringe.. not sure that making her drink it from the bottle was such a good idea, as she coughs, Well atleast it is a break from the crying!Sweet all good with in a minute she is settled and back to sleep ! Ahhhh.
6.30 un stack dishwasher put washing on. 
7am get breakfast, feed baby AGAIN lets try and get some routine back here!
Do dishes sweep floor, give kids the hurry up 8 am out the door to school.Dean is home and will take Mat to school, (Yay for Dad!) ofcourse the girls have to go as well! Have to leave 15 minutes early as we have decided to ride bikes! HOORAY!!!  Hang washing out, just as I finish, it pours with rain FANTASTIC. It hasn't rained in months and today of all days I have 2 loads! Deal with baby. Do some house work.
Get girls in the car and off to the 9.30 boot camp session. Kids demand "shark Attack"on by split Enz. They try and sing the words, pulling their thumb out of their mouths to shout/sing "Shark attack" every time it comes on. Am a bit concerned that my singing had made them also, tone deaf!
Do boot camp, pray to Jesus that he come and take me, as I swing that kettle bell, slip on my own sweat doing push ups, and come far too close to vomiting, on the suicides carrying a medicine ball! Deal with crying baby in the midst this.
Home. Feed kids and into bed for them. Do ironing. Kids want Pizza for dinner. Should make base it but can't be bothered, put it on shopping list as Dean goes to the shops.
Have home made icecream for desert. Make up some washing power as mine is running low. Make pikelets for after school snack. 
Oh~... and its only 3 pm.....

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