Friday, 2 March 2012

Everyone need a Sarah

Everyone needs a Sarah

Well It is almost midnight. Dean is home tomorrow after being away a month.. that is ALL of Mollys life! That is ALSO aLOT of unbroken sleep... I hope he is ready to come home cause it aint no holiday!
I am ticking off my To Do list.... house clean and tidy... well it is at the moment, the kids are asleep!
                                                 Sheets clean and on the bed... check
                                                 Food in the cupboard... Yes.. only JUST!

My poor children would suffer terribly if it wasn't for a number of AMAZING people I have around me propping me up, and if any one of them went away I would flat on my face I am SURE of that. Take today for example... I went to Make Matties lunch this morning ( which, I always make at night usually) and realised Oh hang on, No bread. OK No worries well Rice crackers are good, Oh hang ON.. no butter, or peanut butter, OR Jam OR marmite OR honey OR anything else to put on them for that matter!.. Or nothing else in the fridge suitable for school lunch.OK. OH Dear what shall I do? As I was pushing him out the door, I was thinking, Well maybe he didn't eat all his Lunch from yesterday... that way atleast he'll have something in his lunchbox to eat!
Well the wheels were falling off all around me this morning. That baby was all unsettled I couldn't put her down...It was JUST one of those mornings that I couldn't even be late for school as they had swimming first thing, and they had to catch a bus that went as the bell rang... AHHH So I left the washing in the machine, spilt milo on the table the floor unswept...... I was thinking of my friend Kim who has 5 kids and wondering what Her life must be like getting her kids out the door in the morning! Well Funnily enough after I got Matty to school in the nick of time, I screamed over to drop off Alice at play school, and I saw Kim! I asked her how she manages and it was a relief to hear that she just scraped out of the house by the skin of her teeth as well.
I was telling my friend Sarah about this morning and she went home and made Mattie some yummy lunch ( way better than what I would have given him!) AND took it to school and snuck in into his lunch box. This is the same Sarah that makes sure I have got everything up to date, and in order, and who worried when I missed the deadline for enrolling Alice to kindy. When I told her I eventually got a place in kindy she was all relieved! Classic not even I was worried!
Everyone needs a Sarah in their life someone that has got your back. It just so happens that I have 2 VERY amazing Sarah's in my life an boy do I feel lucky!

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