Friday, 2 March 2012

Cross fit

Well we are a few more weeks into our training. We have been rowing sprinting,swinging kettle bells, experiencing near death by burpies, sit ups, push ups and all other forms of exercise's previously thought of as torture!
Today Dean (my husband) and I did it together which was cool. 500m  on the rower, a 200m sprint and then 40 step ups. We did it 3 times, and each time had to beat our previous time. It doesn't sound like much, but my whole body had pins and needles my lungs wanted to burst and I could hardly even see straight and I just wanted to fall over when I finished.
My lungs are still burning 4 hours post workout!
The thing is with this Cross fit is that it is not flashy it is everyday people just getting fit in their shorts and te-shirts, using everyday equipment to do so. It seems a whole lot more down to earth and friendly than the gym. It is addictive though.
I am really struggling with my eating. I am all over the place with it and am finding it hard to get in the groove and get consistently good eating patterns going on. We went to Denmark for the weekend and I got in FULL on holiday mode, consequently am SOO no looking forward to weighing in this afternoon. Every week we tell ourselves it's not about the scales.... but every week when we get on.. it is ALL about the scales! I am looking forward to a cuppa tea and a catch up with the girls though.

PS Well it wasn't bad at all! But we have all agreed that we have to write down every thing that goes into our mouths. BORING! The truth is that I struggle to be that diciplined. eekk!

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