Friday, 2 March 2012

Dear Anaiah

Dear Anaiah

Actually Molly honey that’s you – sorry to confuse at such an early stage of your life – but you as you know me more you will get use to this!
Yes, I have changed your name. I am guessing that since you never really knew your name, that this is not going to be a big deal and you won’t suffer an identify crisis. My gorgeous friend Lauren changed her baby’s name when she was 2 and she’s fine, in fact she loves here new name, Daisey!
Molly is a gorgeous name and I DO Love it, but to be honest it just wasn't fitting the picture and the name Anaiah just fits way better. I had been secretly thinking this for a while when Sarah and I were having a cuppa tea at Jodie's, we got on to the topic of your name, and they both agreed that Anaiah was a better fit for you. So I immediately went home, got the forms and applied for a new birth certificate for you. We changed it to Anaiah Molly, (I can hear your father yelling.. "none of this WE business, I had nothing to do with it!" – but He just says that for effect -  He loves it too). Now, you have to admit, it is the most beautiful name, and it means "God answers", which is perfectly fitting to you.  On the day that you were born, He answered the most amazing prayers- 2 years worth of prayers in fact!  None the least is the arrival of you, our healthy gorgeous baby girl, Princess Anaiah a living testament to the fact that God does indeed answer.  Our lives changed that day in the most incredible way. The breakthroughs just keep coming and will continue to do so. 

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