Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Lots to learn. Precious times

 I always think of children (especially babies!) learning from us, or it's surroundings. But it is interesting how much we can actually learn from them. Anaiah is learning to crawl( all 5 months of her!). Day after day she gets up on all fours and rocks and collapses on her tummy, sometimes she has a bit of a grizzle but she always gets on up and tries again. I learned this saying from this CD I was listening to ( I can't remember the guys name, Glen someone) and I have passed it on to our other kids, and I love it when I hear them say "PICK YOURSELF UP, DUST YOURSELF OFF, AND TRY AGAIN". 
Anaiah knows nothing about fear or failing.So she will be crawling in no time because she hasn't got anything holding her back. 
If only we could leave our fear of failing behind us, we too would achieve want we would like to as well. Sometimes we don't even consciously know that it is that fear that is holding us back.Where does that fear come from anyway? Is it something that gently creeps in after years and years of subtle  (or not so) setbacks until eventually we stop ourselves from even giving stuff a go?
It has inspired me to get over my fear of writing blogs. I don't even know what I am fearful of! Isn't that silly? Fear of rejection rejection and failing? rejection of what though and what can I fail?
So I am going to get over my silliness and write more often.
Sometimes it is time as well though.Today I am having a home day, my girls are so tired. Alice my big 4 year old,  wanted me to lie with her while she went to sleep. I kept putting her off, for about an hour! while I "Just did this job and JUST did that job"In the end I did go and lie down with her. I got sick of her getting up! But I thought WOW actually this is so special lying here with my beautiful baby. She is 4 already and time goes by so fast. There will always be ironing to do and washing to put away.....but there wont always be a precious 4 year old to cuddle up to and comfort to sleep.
Precious times. Always learning.

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